Pathfinder magic rings. Saltspray Ring Source Pathfinder #121: The Lost Outpost pg.
Pathfinder magic rings Construction Requirements Forge Ring, shield of faith, caster must be of a level at least three times higher than the bonus of the ring; Cost 1,000 gp (+1), 4,000 gp (+2), 9,000 gp (+3), 16,000 gp (+4), 25,000 gp (+5) On command, the wearer of this ring can touch it to another ring, magical or mundane, and bind it to the ring of transposition. Price 1,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 7th; Weight — Aura moderate conjuration. 05: 4,000: This ring grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus to Use of Magical Devices skill checks and the ability to cast dispel magic spell twice per day as a 7th level wizard. It doesn't work, period. 172, PRPG Core Rulebook pg. The belt allows a creature to wear a magic ring on each foot in addition to the ring on each hand, though only two rings function at any given time. Construction Somatic components are stuff like waving your arms around to cast the spell. This ring is crafted of hardened leather strips, into which bits of fur, feathers, bone, and ivory have been woven. These four garish and gaudy rings must be worn on one hand, though they take up only a single ring slot. Anyone can use a ring. He can do this three times per day, and must expend a number of rounds of bloodrage equal to the Ring of Powerful Blood Magic. The wearer can do this a maximum of three times per day. 63 Aura moderate abjuration CL 11th Slot ring; Price 18,000 gp; Weight — Description A ring of stony flesh gives the wearer’s skin the appearance of flexible stone. He's excited to eat and craft stuff to wear. This tiny ring of living mistletoe coils about the wearer’s finger of its own accord. In addition, anytime the wearer takes damage from channeled negative energy or an inflict spell, she subtracts 5 from the damage taken (calculated after the wearer has Jan 15, 2025 · Pathfinder Second Edition boasts a rich and varied system for magic items, significantly different from its predecessor. Dungeon Ring Source Ultimate Equipment pg. Whenever the wearer of this ring takes the withdraw action or becomes helpless (including falling unconscious), it instantly makes her invisible for 3 rounds and creates four illusory duplicates that either run off in opposite directions or perform Slot ring; Price 90,000 gp; Weight — Description This white gold ring is generally set with a large green sapphire. The wearer gains the ability to speak and understand the four languages whose alphabets are inscribed on the ring. Artifacts Magic Armor Sihedron Ring. Sihedron Ring Source Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition pg. 166, Advanced Player's Guide pg. Whenever the wearer of a ring of curing casts a conjuration spell of the healing subschool, all maximums to the level-dependent healing provided by that spell Jul 3, 2017 · The idea that magic items need time to attune to a new possessor is, to my understanding, a more modern rule, largely atypical of magic items in Pathfinder and its antecedents, although several late-era dnd-3. Red Hound Ring Source Inner Sea Gods pg. On command, the wearer of this ring can touch it to another ring, magical or mundane, and bind it to the ring of transposition. Ring of Maniacal Devices Item 11 Source Player Core 2 pg. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. This finely crafted +2 nine-ring broadsword has an extra gap at the base of the blade’s unsharpened edge, closest to the hilt, seemingly to fit an extra ring. Ring of Djinni Calling. Up to three times per day on command, this simple platinum band automatically reflects the next nine levels of spells cast at the wearer, exactly as if spell turning had been cast upon him. These rings were given to agents and allies of the runelords as badges of office and tokens of appreciation for their work—sometimes, they A number of spells and magic items utilize extradimensional spaces, such as rope trick, a bag of holding, a handy haversack, and a portable hole. Can I wear a magic ring on each finger and toe? Pull a Mr. When using the Use Magic Device skill to activate a scroll or spell trigger item based on that spell, the bearer gains a +10 insight bonus on the skill che Forge Ring, planar ally or planar binding, creator must be chaotic evil. 2e is a bit more confusing to me. When the ring is rubbed (a standard action), the call goes out, and the djinni appears on the next round. Each appears to be nothing more than a lesser magic ring until fully activated (by meeting a special condition, such as single-handedly slaying an elemental of the appropriate type or exposure to a sacred material of One ring of the pair is useless without the other; the rings are also useless if worn by two people not mutually in love with each other. Ring of Three Wishes. They really did make designing magic items a bit more complicated that 1e. Ring of the Clean Hands Source Magic of Thassilon (Web Enhancement) pg. Ring of Retribution Source Ultimate Equipment pg. Some rings are powerful magic items worn on the finger that grant magical powers to the wearer. 5e magic items also require such a warm-up period. Aura faint transmutation; CL 2nd; Slot ring; Price 2,500 gp; Weight — DESCRIPTION. Maybe that is by design. Home Adventure Paths Magic Items. Each morning, the ring’s wearer must select either hot or cold, and for the next 24 hours the <i>ring of inurement</i> affords basic protection from the selected condition as if she were using <i>endure elements</i> and superficially alters the wearer’s clothing to better accommodate her Scholar's Ring Source Ultimate Equipment pg. Slot ring; Price 5,400 gp; Weight — Description This richly colored, burnished brass ring appears to be crimson red, sunset orange, or golden yellow depending on how it is held. You could nail down an item, all its powers, and the price pretty quickly. Feats Forge Ring; Special creator must have 5 ranks in the Ring of Forcefangs. 5) = 23,000 gp for a Ring of Invisibility and Protection +1 Ring of Magic Devices: This ring grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus to Use of Magical Devices skill checks and the ability to cast dispel magic spell twice per day as a 7th level wizard. At will, the wearer may create the sound of a peaceful chime, small gong, or temple bell. Rings. Right now, I'm just looking for a list of magic items that work with Sneak Attack: Specifically: - Increase # of dice - Increase damage dealt - Provide some other benefit when you deal SA damage - Do something else relating to Sneak Attack Wand Key Ring. Slot ring; Price 26,000 gp; Weight — Description This beautiful adamantine ring is warm to the touch. Aura moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Slot ring; Price 40,000 gp; Weight —. 258 Aura faint transmutation CL 5th Slot ring; Price 1,500 gp; Weight — Description This ring is carved from a single, thick antler and fashioned into the shape of a regal elk’s head. A person may utilize only two such rings at a time; donning a third ring on another finger will render the third useless. Artisan Mim Wobblegander (Tier 1) Ring of Planar Protection Feb 21, 2022 · This ring grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus on all Use Magic Device skill checks and increase the save DC against all spells of the Illusion school the wearer casts by 2. 155 Aura faint transmutation CL 5th Slot ring; Price 6,000 gp; Weight — Description This ring is crafted of hardened leather strips, into which bits of fur, feathers, bone, and ivory have been woven. You can create magic rings. This ring continually grants the wearer the ability to avoid damage as if she had evasion. Once per day, the wearer may use wrath APG. These spells and magic items create a tiny pocket space that does not exist in any dimension. When a wish is used, that ruby disappears. 614 4. Aura faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Slot ring; Price 8,000 gp; Weight —. All four kinds of rings of elemental command are very powerful. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Does a ring of counterspells counter area of effect spells such as fireball?. Ring of Spell Turning. They grant the wearer the ability to commune with and affect the dead in the following ways. Twice per day, when the wearer is flanking an opponent, he can as a swift action deal an additional 1d6 points of damage on a successful melee attack against that opponent. 173, Advanced Player's Guide pg. The ring grants its wearer a swim speed of 30 feet, as well as +8 racial bonus on swim checks for having a swim speed. Feats Forge Ring; Spells blink; Cost 13,500 gp Feb 24, 2023 · These range from classic wands and staves to potions to rings, headbands, and capes. Ring of Wizardry (Type III) Item 12 Source Core Rulebook pg. Ring of Magic Devices: 0. A jailer’s dungeon ring is worked gold, set with carnelians. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. This ring is set with three rubies. Aura moderate divination; CL 8th. Construction Requirements Forge Ring, limited wish; Cost 25,000 gp Home >Magic Items >Rings > This ring offers continual magical protection in the form of a deflection bonus of +1 Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Ring of Regeneration. Aura moderate illusion; CL 11th; Slot ring; Price 12,000 gp; Weight —. Construction Requirements Forge Ring, shield of faith, caster must be of a level at least three times higher than the bonus of the ring; Cost 1,000 gp (+1), 4,000 gp (+2), 9,000 gp (+3), 16,000 gp (+4), 25,000 gp (+5) Slot ring; Price 3,820 gp; Weight — Description A stair-step pattern of stars wraps around the outside of this dark blue ring. Fine etchings spell out the alphabets of four languages around the inside of this finely crafted silver band. Ring of Vengeful Blood Magic. Such items do not function, however, inside another extradimensional space. This ring continually allows the wearer to leap about, providing a +5 competence bonus on all his Acrobatics checks made to make high or long jumps. The only one at risk for accidentally activating is "The Holder" meaning the ring needs to be in your 1st or 2nd "ring" magic item slot, and the holder must say the activation word (and use a standard action, even though a spoken word is a free action, but game balance is game balance) for the invisibility to kick in. The gem turns black when the wearer’s daily spells are exhausted or if the wearer has no ability to cast psychic spells. Aura strong evocation; CL 12th; Slot ring; Price 50,000 gp; Weight —. I’d love to have this effect permanently The wearer’s arcane spells per day are doubled for one specific spell level. Physical Description: Rings have no Kyton Ring. 259 Aura faint abjuration CL 5th Slot ring; Price 1,200 gp; Weight — Description This simple copper ring bears the image of a blue enamel hand. This ring is made out of fused firearm bullets, making it a chunky but overall impressive ring. In addition to the powers of a ring of feather falling, a ring of stairs and stars allows the wearer to use magic missile once per day, with the missiles taking the shape of shooting stars. In addition, the wearer may use arcane mark at will, but only on objects and willing creatures. 33 Aura faint transmutation CL 5th Slot ring; Price 16,000 gp; Weight — Description This lustrous gold ring is highly malleable and always fits perfectly. Ring of Wizardry (Type IV) Item 14 Source Core Rulebook pg. Whenever the wearer of a ring of curing casts a conjuration spell of the healing subschool, all maximums to the level-dependent healing provided by that spell increase by 2. This rusty iron ring looks like a twisted chain. The ring serves as a gateway for a specific elder elemental (25% chance each for air, earth, fire, or water) that performs a narrow range of services when called. On command, the ring can produce a rusty, clanky length of iron chain (hardness 10, 5 hp, break DC 26). Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Slot ring; Price 27,000 gp; Weight — DESCRIPTION. 310 Price 21,000 gp May 9, 2024 · This ring grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and the ability to cast bull strength spell 3 times a day as a 3rd level wizard. These always come in pairs—two iron rings, each about 18 inches in diameter. The saltspray ring is immune to rust, both from natural oxidation and rust caused by Pathfinder Community. Home >Magic Items >Rings > Slot ring; Price 20,000 gp; Weight — DESCRIPTION. each. The ring must be created at the aiudara in question, and its gemstone always matches the gate’s portal-key. <br /><br Ring of Arcane Mastery Source Ultimate Equipment pg. For example, <i>cure light wounds </i>would provide a maximum healing of 1d8 + 7 (at 7th caster level), while <i>heal </i>would cure a maximum of 170 points of damage. Magic item powers seem to be a bit less powerful and limited. Price 3,000 gp; Slot none; CL 5th; Weight 8 lbs. This band negates any force spell or force spell-like ability targeted at the wearer. Spiritualist Rings. These rings follow the normal rules for magic rings as described in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. As long as the wearers are within 1 mile of one another, they can communicate by whispering, causing the other ring to whisper the words to the This humble ring is crafted from smooth red and blue porcelain and wrapped with threads of copper. Price 3,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 9th; Weight —; Aura moderate evocation. Rings bestow magical powers upon their wearers. Bonus spells from high ability scores or school specialization are not You can use the reading ring to read text by taking an Interact action, and you read with the ring at roughly the same rate as a visual reader. It grants the wearer a +2 bonus on Escape Artist checks. 177 Aura moderate conjuration CL 5th Slot ring; Price 8,700 gp; Weight — Description A scholar’s ring grants complete understanding of any written text or spoken language, even one that the wearer has never encountered before (as the comprehend languages spell), as well as a +5 competence bonus on Knowledge (history) checks. A dark life ring grants its wearer a +2 profane bonus on Will saving throws against channeled negative energy and inflict spells (any spell with “inflict” in its name). This ring comes in four types: ring of spell knowledge I, ring of spell knowledge II, ring of spell knowledge III, and ring of spell knowledge IV. These points remain in the ring until used. If the GM took the Ring of FoM away from me by fiat and gave me 20k gp in return I would put it to good use according to my magic item shopping list. Ring of Maniacal Devices Item 11 Source Core Rulebook pg. Price 5,400 gp; Slot ring; CL 11th; Weight —; Aura moderate abjuration. This ring has two modes of operation: one for when the wearer is in dim light or outdoors at night, and a second one when the wearer is underground or indoors at night. and reply "Ring of Wishes, duh" or something like that. This golden ring, set with seven brightly colored gems, functions as a ring of protection +1. Construction Requirements Forge Ring, beast shape IV, shield of faith, creator must be at least 3rd level Items / Magic Items Rings Source PRPG Core Rulebook pg. Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th; Slot ring; Price 125,000 gp; Weight — DESCRIPTION. Rings, Rods, and Staves. This has no effect on spells that do not require saving throws. Pathfinder first edition has such a wide range of magic items that when your GM rolls for what you can find in your present location you may stumble across something you’ve never heard of before even if you consider yourself an experienced player. It continually grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Swim checks. This grants her a +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance, and increases the save DC of the spell (if any) by 2. A ring of psychic mastery grants the caster 1 additional psychic spell per day for each spell level from 1st to 4th that she is capable of casting. Bonus spells from high ability scores or school specialization are not The wearer’s arcane spells per day are doubled for one specific spell level. This claw ring is made of red metal tinged with orange, and a long nail made of obsidian extends from the tip. Ring of Jumping. There is no limit to how often you can use the ring to read in this manner. Thassilonian Runes A star ring grants a +3 deflection bonus to AC, a +3 resistance bonus on all saving throws, and protects the wearer with a constant endure elements effect. 615 4. 479 Aura faint abjuration CL 3rd Slot ring; Price 8,000 gp; Weight — Description This ring is usually of fine workmanship and wrought from heavy gold. The wearer is continually immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern her These rings follow the normal rules for magic rings as described in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. The ring can hold a maximum of 9 charges. 292 Aura strong evocation CL 13th Slot ring; Price 15,000 gp; Weight — Description Once per day, the wearer of this charred bone ring may, as an immediate action, cause it to detonate in a 30-footradius burst that deals 10d6 points of fire damage (Reflex DC 14 half). 0 Price This finely crafted +2 nine-ring broadsword has an extra gap at the base of the blade’s unsharpened edge, closest to the hilt, seemingly to fit an extra ring. Ring of Torag Source Hollow's Last Hope pg. The wearer of the jailer’s ring can also remove a linked prisoner’s ring at Decoy Ring. Price 6,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 6th; Weight —; Aura moderate transmutation. The wielder of a ten-ring sword can use a full-round action to place a magic ring into the empty slot, where the ring then rests until removed (another full-round action). The rings must be on the same plane of existence and within 100 miles of each other to function. Aura strong universal; CL 20th; Slot ring; Price 120,000 gp; Weight — DESCRIPTION. Players must explore and fight their way through the vast open-world to unite all the shards, restore the Elden Ring, and become Elden Lord. This narrow cloth belt has a silver buckle in the shape of four rings. 4 Aura strong transmutation CL 9th Price 18,000 gp; Weight — Description This delicate ring of forged bronze is formed into the shape of two hands, which do not quite touch as they meet at the top of the wearer’s finger. Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight — DESCRIPTION. Archives of Nethys Armor | Artifacts | Cursed Items | Intelligent Items | Potions/Oils | Rings | Rods | Staves | Weapons | Wondrous Items | Other Rings bestow magical powers upon their wearers. Kyton Ring Source Horror Adventures pg. Benefit: You can create magic rings. 5. Ring of Swarming Stabs Source Ultimate Equipment pg. When worn, the ring of the sublime protects its wearer from fear effects as if constantly under the effects of remove fear. Once per day, the wearer may speak the ring’s Slot ring; Price 12,000 gp; Weight — Description Each of these silver-and-gemstone rings is attuned to a specific aiudara, or elf gate. 259 Aura faint abjuration, conjuration, and transmutation CL 5th Slot ring; Price 4,700 gp; Weight — Description This white gold ring is engraved with the images of a mastiff and a thundercloud. Twice per day, as a free action , when the wearer regains grit , she can choose to store it in the ring of grit mastery instead of regaining the grit point. A specialist's ring has the trait corresponding to its school of magic. <br /><br /> While enhancing a spell this way, the caster can expend one use of mythic power plus an additional use per two spell Communique Rings. This white gold ring is generally set with a large green sapphire. A character can only effectively wear two magic rings. 478 Rings bestow magical powers upon their wearers. 0 Price This ornate ring has a thick iron band covered in sigils of calling, and is set with a large glowing gemstone that appears to be an elemental gem. Ring of Craft Magic. A ring of wizardry I doubles 1st-level spells, a ring of wizardry II doubles 2nd-level spells, a ring of wizardry III doubles 3rd-level spells, and a ring of wizardry IV doubles 4th-level spells. Wearers Slot ring; Price 35,000 gp; Aura moderate abjuration and illusion; CL 9th; Weight — DESCRIPTION This otherwise plain ring is adorned with a tiny Sihedron rune. 220 Aura moderate abjuration CL 11th Slot ring; Price 5,400 gp; Weight — Description This claw ring is made of red metal tinged with orange, and a long nail made of obsidian extends from the tip. Understanding how these powerful tools function is crucial for both players seeking an edge and Game Masters crafting compelling adventures. It functions as a ring of protection +1. 216 Aura moderate conjuration CL 7th Slot ring; Price 1,000 gp; Weight — Description This rusty iron ring looks like a twisted chain. Furthermore, once per day as a swift action, as long as the wearer is in contact with liquid, he can use <i>dimension door </i>as the spell, but its starting and ending points must be connected by a contagious mass of liquid. Each appears to be nothing more than a lesser magic ring until fully activated (by meeting a special condition, such as single-handedly slaying an elemental of the appropriate type or exposure to a sacred material of the appropriate element), but each has certain other powers as well as the following common properties. 69 Price The ring is magically attuned to one or more iron prisoner’s dungeon rings. Ring of Perfect Sizing Source Giant Hunter's Handbook pg. Pathfinder Community. Aug 19, 2015 · Looking through the newest Pathfinder rules, I see how to craft a ring from the standard list of magic rings. A ring of spell knowledge is only a storage space; the wearer must still encounter a written, active, or cast Rings. Once per day, the wearer of the ring of transposition can speak a command word to exchange places with the creature wearing the bonded ring, which must be within 800 feet, as though using a dimension door spell against a willing target. 37 Aura moderate abjuration and illusion CL 9th Slot ring; Price 35,000 gp; Weight — Description This otherwise plain ring is adorned with a tiny Sihedron rune. Jul 1, 2019 · Buy CZYY Upgraded Condition Rings 96 PCS Status Effect Markers in 24 Conditions & Spells Magic Book Storage Box Great DM Tool for Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, D&D and RPG Miniatures: Outdoor Décor - Amazon. 292 Aura moderate divination CL 8th Slot ring; Price 250 gp (prisoner's), 16,000 gp (jailer's); Weight — Description A jailer’s dungeon ring is worked gold, set with carnelians. Magician's ring can be obtained from two different army encounters: Jan 4, 2018 · A character can only effectively wear two magic rings. Aura faint abjuration; CL 3rd Slot ring; Price 1,200 gp; Weight — Ring of Ancestral Blood Magic. These rings are forged in pairs, establishing a mental connection between the two creatures wearing them, designating one as the master and the other as the servant. 479 Aura faint transmutation CL 2nd Slot ring; Price 2,500 gp; Weight — Description This silver ring usually has fishlike designs and motifs etched into the band. Ring of Mind Shielding. <br /><br /> While enhancing a spell this way, the caster can expend one use of mythic power plus an additional use per two spell This ring offers continual magical protection in the form of a deflection bonus of +1 to +5 to AC. Construction Ring of Elemental Command. See the magic item Creation rules in Magic Items for more information. Ring of Eloquence. Ring of Spell Knowledge. Doing so gives the ring a number of charges equal to the spell level of the incoming force effect. Where to Find Magician's Ring. 27 Aura faint abjuration CL 1st Slot ring; Price 2,000 gp; Weight — Description This ornate gold ring is set with a single round sapphire and platinum stems. Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Slot belt; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. This garish signet ring is worth 1,500 gp for its materials and workmanship alone. 175, PRPG Core Rulebook pg. Price 3,500 gp; Slot ring; CL 3rd; Weight —; Aura faint divination. On command once per week, the ring teleports its wearer back to that gate, as per word of recall. This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. After being worn for 24 hours, the ring allows the wearer to resize one weapon or suit of armor to her size. Discover and array of specific magic rings, rods, and staves, organized by type and presented alongside handy tables organizing them by monetary value, allowing you to find gear in your price range at a glance. Ring of Blinking. Physical Description: Rings have no appreciable weight. A third magic ring doesn't work if the wearer is already wearing two magic rings. In addition, the wearer is immune to bleed damage while wearing a ring of regeneration. The wearer of the ring sees spells as similar to crafts, and vice versa. This ring is usually of fine workmanship and wrought from heavy gold. . Yes, we do use the magic item rules including adding secondary abilities at 50% markup. Once per day, the wearer of the ring of transposition can speak a command word to exchange places with the creature wearing the bonded ring, which must be within 800 feet, as though using a dimension door spell against Slot ring; Price 3,820 gp; Weight — Description A stair-step pattern of stars wraps around the outside of this dark blue ring. For a randomly generated ring, roll 1d3 to determine the remaining number of rubies. Ring of Swimming Source Ultimate Equipment pg. A ring of wizardry I doubles 1stlevel spells, a ring of wizardry II doubles 2nd-level spells, a ring of wizardry III doubles 3rd-level spells, and a ring of wizardry IV doubles 4th-level spells. Created in pairs, these simple golden rings allow for short-range communication between the wearers. Aura strong necromancy; CL 12th; Slot ring; Price 70,000 gp; Weight — DESCRIPTION. The existing staves all use this rule for pricing the cost of their spells. Slot ring; Price 3,000 gp; Weight — Description This ring is made of red gold with a single ruby cut into a pentagon shape. Feats Forge Ring; Special creator must have 10 ranks in Acrobatics; Cost 5,000 gp. Slot ring; Price 16,000 gp (jailer's ring), 250 gp (prisoner's ring); Weight — Description. The wearer of the ring gains fire resistance 10 against the first fire attack that hits him that day. This ring is a thick loop of mirrorlike metal. A person may utilize only two such rings at a time; donning a third ring on another finger will render the Ring of Mind Shielding Source Ultimate Equipment pg. 69 Price 15 gp Reading Ring (Greater) Item 12 Source Grand Bazaar pg. It allows a wearer with a phrenic pool to store up to 4 points from her phrenic pool in the ring as a swift action. Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Slot ring; Price 25,000 gp; Weight — DESCRIPTION. The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on Perception and Survival checks. Construction Jul 8, 2013 · Let's assume starting 3rd level, and only able to use Pathfinder Official content. When worn, the ring continually allows a living wearer to heal 1 point of damage per round and an equal amount of nonlethal damage. This ring has no effect if it is placed upon a corpse; it must be worn at the time the creature dies to tether its soul. Thassilonian Runes This ring is made of rough iron and is set with four amethysts. So it seems pretty clear that if the spines are a specific magic weapon, by RAW you cannot grant them property runes. Ring of Shooting Stars. Aura strong abjuration; CL 13th; Slot ring; Price 100,000 gp; Weight —. Take two or more rings and add the cost of the most expensive one to the cost of the cheaper ones multiplied by 1. This ring functions as a ring of jumping, except it grants the wearer a +10 competence bonus all her Acrobatics checks made to make high or long jumps. Toggle Theme. Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th; Slot —; Price 40,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. The listed price and cost are for both rings. The wearer is continually immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to magically discern her alignment. Aura strong conjuration; CL 15th; Slot ring; Price 200,000 gp; Weight —. This simple copper ring is a boon to those who spend their lives healing others. It grants a +5 vs Spell resistance for the next spell you cast. You could enchant a ring that is a combination of multiple rings. However, I’m wanting to create something sort of new: a ring that gives a certain permanent spell-like enhancement. All of Ring of Resistance Source Pathfinder #123: The Flooded Cathedral pg. When the wearer of this ring is bloodraging and casts a spell, as a swift action he can increase the save DC of the spell by 1. 167 Aura strong abjuration and evocation CL 11th Slot ring; Price 20,000 gp; Weight — Description This ring is a thin but sturdy piece of forged steel crafted to resemble a serpent swallowing its tail, and is magically imbued to reveal the secrets of arcane mastery to its wearer. As a standard action, the This jade ring is carved in the shape of an ouroboros. Belt, Meridian. Archives of Nethys Armor | Artifacts | Cursed Items | Intelligent Items | Potions/Oils | Rings | Rods | Staves | Weapons | Wondrous Items | Other Jan 14, 2015 · Target market for ring of regen is a bit different than that of the boots of the earth wearing a ring that gives you 600hp per hour (without requiring a move action each round) is probably priceless for a lonely wizard living in a tower, or other soloists like assassins; you no longer need to worry that much about healing. The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on Handle Animal , Knowledge (nature), and wild empathy checks, and a wearer with the woodland stride ability can move effortlessly, without harm or impediment, even through magically created or manipulated plants. Ring of Curing. 310 Price 1,175 gp Ring of Maniacal Devices (Greater) Item 18 Source Player Core 2 pg. Prerequisite: Caster Level 7th. Aura strong conjuration; CL 15th; Slot ring; Price 90,000 gp; Weight —. Only a rare few have charges—most magic rings are permanent and potent magic items. Whenever she makes a Reflex saving throw to determine whether she takes half damage, a successful save results in no damage. By activating this simple silver ring, Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Slot ring; Price 6,000 gp; Weight — Description Created in pairs, these simple golden rings allow for short-range communication between the wearers. ; Aura faint universal. A third magic ring doesn’t work if the wearer is already wearing two This ring offers continual magical protection in the form of a deflection bonus of +1 to +5 to AC. It allows its wearer to cast a spell as an attack of opportunity. A third magic ring doesn’t work if the wearer is already wearing two magic rings. Note that it doesn't say that the third ring doesn't work until you spend an action to activate it. It has the head of a ram as its device. 54 Aura faint conjuration and transmutation CL 5th Slot ring; Price 4,500 gp; Weight — Description This mithral ring is engraved with a pattern of rolling waves that encircles the entire band. T and wear 10 bulk of magic necklaces and nothing else? My goblin runescarred fighter just learned magic crafting and has some downtime and a recent big haul. When the wearer of a jailer’s ring places a prisoner’s ring on a subject, the prisoner cannot remove the ring without the use of a remove curse, limited wish, miracle, or wish spell. The ring of the ram is an ornate ring forged of hard metal, usually iron or an iron alloy. Like the user of a rod of rulership , the ring’s wearer can command the fealty of creatures, but only if she is a member by blood of the family whose symbol is displayed on the ring and only if those creatures are citizens or vassals of the family’s holdings (though it works on disaffected, disloyal, and A ring of spell knowledge I can hold 1st-level spells only, a ring of spell knowledge II 1st- or 2nd-level spells, a ring of spell knowledge III spells of 3rd level or lower, and a ring of spell knowledge IV up to 4th-level spells. Specifically, a 1st-level cleric spell called sure casting. Ring of Evasion. Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight — DESCRIPTION. One possible interpretation is that the ring would make you immune to that casting of the spell (and the rest of the area would be affected normally), but that would require additional explanatory language and create strange Ring of Energy Resistance. A wearer can spend points stored in the ring as if they were in her phrenic pool, in addition to the following uses. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Deadeye's Spotter Ring Source Inner Sea Gods pg. This item consists of two magically linked rings: an intricate, gleaming golden ring with a square-cut ruby, and a thick, plain iron ring. Ring of the Sublime Source Taldor, Echoes of Glory pg. But components are irrelevant if you are casting the spell through a magic item because you just need to say the command word as a standard action to activate the ring. Ring of Stony Flesh Source Pathfinder #83: The Slave Trenches of Hakotep pg. 16 Aura faint abjuration CL 3rd Slot ring; Price 1,200 gp; Weight — Description This simple golden ring has a large red gemstone set into it that sparkles with an inner fire. 59 Aura faint divination CL 5th Slot ring; Price 10,800 gp; Weight — Description Crudely cut amethysts and a single engraved skull decorate the band of this thick iron ring. A ring of revelation is a divine item attuned to a particular oracular mystery and containing a revelation associated with that mystery (see the oracle class description). In addition, seven times per day, the wearer can use beast shape IV to transform into a songbird for 10 minutes (use statistics for a raven). 0 Price 2,000 gp The bonus is +2, and the ring grants two 3rd-level spell slots and one 2nd-level spell slot. 175, Advanced Race Guide pg. 05; Sell Value: 1,475; Accessory Type: Ring . Rings of this type come in a wide variety of designs and colorations, typically related to the types of energy they defend against. Aura moderate abjuration; CL 11th; Slot ring; Price 12,000 gp (minor), 28,000 gp (major), 44,000 gp (greater); Weight —. Ring of Invisibility (20,000 gp) and Ring of Protection +1 (2,000 gp) 20,000 + (2,000 x 1. Price 12,000 gp; Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Weight — A ring of craft magic always bears some sort of tool-like design in its craftsmanship. Cost 4,000 gp; Forge Ring; soul bind or true resurrection Ring of Revelation. You can have only one glyph of warding from a ring of maniacal devices active at a time, even if you have multiple rings, and the spell ends if you lose your investiture in the ring. Saltspray Ring Source Pathfinder #121: The Lost Outpost pg. It functions as a cloak of resistance with an equivalent bonus. Physical Description: Rings have no Doubling Rings (Greater) The rings also replicate property runes from the weapon in the gold-ringed hand, so long as the weapon in the iron-ringed hand meets all the prerequisites for a given rune and is not a specific weapon. Ring of Serene Contortions Source Inner Sea Gods pg. A ring is a round band, usually made of metal, worn as ornamental jewellery 1 and, in some cases, as a powerful magic item. The ring can create no more than 100 feet of chain in this way. The ring only affects spells that target you, not spells that include you in the area. Physical Description: Rings have no The bonus is +2, and the ring grants two 2nd-level spell slots and one 1st-level spell slot. And under Upgrading Magic items: The multiple similar abilities rule is specifically for items that don't use a magic item slot (such as staves), and can't be used for items that do use a magic item slot. Rings bestow magical powers upon their wearers. Each specialist's ring is dedicated to a single school of magic, and the ring is covered in symbols and glyphs related to that school according to the creator's arcane studies. Forge Ring, lifebond; Cost (for a pair) 21,000 gp. 44 Aura faint abjuration CL 5th Slot ring; Price 1,500 gp (+1), 6,000 gp (+2), 13,500 gp (+3), 24,000 gp (+4), 37,500 gp (+5); Weight — Description Protective symbols adorn this magic ring. DESCRIPTION. Price 18,200 gp; Slot ring; CL 7th; Weight —; Aura moderate enchantment. You can have only one trapped rune from a ring of maniacal devices active at a time, even if you have multiple rings, and the rune disappears if you lose your investiture in the ring. Price 4,000 gp; Slot ring; CL 10th; Weight —; Aura moderate transmutation. At will, as a standard action , the wearer can use the ring to change the appearance of his clothing or armor into any other kind of clothing or armor. The ring slot only affects magic rings, not mundane ones. Aura moderate or strong (no school); CL 7th; Slot ring; Price 1,500 gp (Type I), 6,000 gp (Type II), 13,500 gp (Type III), 24,000 gp (Type IV); Weight — DESCRIPTION. Magical rings. This “genie” ring serves as a special gate by means of which a specific djinni can be called from the Plane of Air. Clerics of Sarenrae prize glorious flame rings as facets through which they may channel their deity’s divine will. It allows its wearer to cast a spell as an attack of Ring of Vengeful Blood Magic Source Advanced Class Guide pg. Aura moderate evocation; CL 9th; Slot ring; Price 8,000 gp; Weight — DESCRIPTION. Reading Ring Item 1 Source Grand Bazaar pg. This gold ring allows the wearer to act as if continually under the effect of a freedom of movement spell. 2. Aura moderate varied; CL 11th; Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp (lesser), 16,000 gp (greater), 24,000 gp (superior); Weight —. A jailer's dungeon ring is worked gold, set with a carnelian. Three times per day, the wearer can use it to empower a spell she casts. Dungeon Ring. Each of these rune-carved brass rings is keyed to a specific spell at creation. When you wield a melee weapon in the hand wearing the golden ring, the weapon’s fundamental runes are replicated onto any melee weapon you wield in the hand wearing the iron ring. Psychopomps consider soultether rings to be sacrilegious, and the creatures destroy the rings whenever possible. Artful pictures etched inside it tell the tale of its creation; the imagery claims that this ring was one of the first items crafted by employing heat to coerce metal into shape. While the wearer is bloodraging, he can cast a bonus spell gained from his bloodrager bloodline without expending a spell slot. The ring is magically attuned to one or more iron prisoner’s dungeon rings. 426, Pathfinder #6: Spires of Xin-Shalast pg. The range for the magical effect is unlimited. Ring of Protection +2 Cloak of Resistance +2 Amulet of Natural Armor +4 Belt of Giant Strength +4 Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 Gloves of Swimming and Climbing Boots of Swift Fury Ring of Freedom of Movement Ring of the Iron Skull Source Pathfinder #57: Tempest Rising pg. Each ruby stores a wish spell, activated by the ring. The wearer can command the ring to give forth a ram-like force, manifested by a vaguely discernible shape that resembles the head of a ram or a goat. To craft a ring, you must use up raw materials costing half of the base price. ;) Sorry for the mini-rant above. On command, this ring makes the wearer blink, as the blink spell. Crafting a ring takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. 0 Price 1,175 gp Ring of Maniacal Devices (Greater) Item 18 Source Core Rulebook pg. The Rings of Bondage. Same for the 4th, 5th and 10th rings. Item Information: Weight: 0. Once a ring Ring Gates. Once per day, the wearer can use Ring of Freedom of Movement. kejs ljk gmup ewmajef fokji ihall genho tfrs lalz coln